Thursday, December 11, 2014

Painted Christmas Cards

Inspired by a post from Peony and Parakeet (, I thought that I would like to make some Christmas cards. I used a combination of gouache, watercolours, inks, and pen. I then uploaded to, tweaked them with brightness levels. The next step will be to print them off, mount on cardstock, and send off! To me, they have a vintagey feel, and I love the bright colours. Hoping that you are all getting into the Christmas mood!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Mail Delivery

The postcards have started arriving from Hanna's annual swap ( I am always interested in how others express their creativity. What images resonate, the colours one chooses, style, design, techniques. It is a like a little window of insight into the creative process of another artist and it feels like we are all connected in this creative journey that we are on. Thank you, ladies!

Friday, November 28, 2014

The Hanna Post Cards!

This will be the fourth year that I have participated in IHanna's postcard swap. It is a fun little exchange that she puts on a couple of times a year. Not only do you create lovely little pieces of art to give away, but you receive sweet bits of art in the mail, as well. In previous years I have worked in watercolour, but this year I thought that I would play with a little bit of collage. The next swap takes place in late winter/early spring and it is a nice way to meet other artists from around the planet. 

Calendar in the Works


So I am currently working on creating a desk calendar before the new year. I sketched the florals and watercoloured theme. From there, I uploaded them and will tweak them in a paint program. I still have a few left to add, but will get there!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Days 3 & 4 - Art Every Day Month

Two more mini paintings for AEDM. I feel a bit of a floral animal theme emerging!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Art Every Day Month - Day 2

For this month long project, I am painting little 12cmx12cm papers using gouache, watercolours, and acrylic inktense sticks. Illustrated children's books are a favourite source of imagery for me, so this month, they will be my inspiration.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Art Every Day Month! - Day 1

Building the creative habit, starting with roses in November (because it is has been so mild here, that I still have roses in the garden!)

Sunday, October 5, 2014

The Walk: Sunflowers and Sage

 "When clear October suns unfold
  mallee tips of red and gold"
 - Flexmore Hudson, Mallee in October

Friday, September 26, 2014

Just For the Fun of It!

That is the plan. A blog, a collection of art (my art! and some others, perhaps), pictures, and who knows what else. I will just see where this goes and how it unfolds. 
Blue Gingko Yellow Jay
Purple Bubbles Chickadee

Mardi Gras Sparrow